
I love Holkham. I know it draws the entitled, second home masses and a plague-number of dog walkers - but you don't have to go more than a couple hundred metres west from Lady Ann's Drive and you leave Tarquin, Beatrice and the Labradoodles behind to hit the good stuff... 

I am on a family trip with the lady and geriatric pooch, so it was by no means hardcore birding. We still racked up a respectable selection in a couple of hours:

  • Yellow-browed, heard only by Meale House, in the company of at least 2 Chiffchaff;
  • 2 Great White Egret;
  • Feeding and perched Swallows;
  • Grounded and fly-over Pink-footed Geese; and
  • Plenty of raptors including; Buzzard, Red Kite, Marsh Harrier and Kestrel. 
Great White Egret - Holkham - October 2020

Great White Egret - Holkham - October 2020

Swallows - Holkham - October 2020

Pink-footed Geese - Holkham - October 2020

All pretty much standard fare for this time of year and that section of the coast - but magic birding non-the-less. Especially for a lad who's watched others enjoying Eye-browed Thrush, White's Thrush, Black and White Warbler, Bearded Vulture and #%#% knows what else all week on Twitter.

We also had a Wall Butterfly, which must be a late record? I don't really know much about them - other than that they are awesome:
Wall Butterfly - Holkham - October 2020

Wall Butterfly - Holkham - October 2020


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