Recovery - Marsh Harrier

Whilst walking with friends last Sunday morning we had views of a male Marsh Harrier hunting over Reydon/ Southwold. 

Marsh Harrier - Southwold - October 2020

Despite the light and largely silhouetted views I did manage to see the orange/ red wing tags - just visible on the below photo:

Marsh Harrier - Southwold - October 2020

I dutifully reported the bird and pleased to hear it was originally ringed by the North West Norfolk Ringing Group at Breydon Water, 32km to the north, on 01st July 2018, 840 days ago. Although not clear on the photo the wing-tags are apparently orange and emblazoned with the letters 'BV'. 

The bird has previously been seen at Hen Reed Beds in December 2018 and more recently by other Southwold birders. 


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