Bury St Edmunds

Despite the ultra local focus of the weekend and training for Dove Step Rehab starting in earnest, the quality of birding was HIGH. On yesterdays run I had mega close views of one of the local kites and found a finch super flock. More on that later... 

I had to pick up a weeks worth of fruit and veg - about half a ton total for a Dove Stepper. On the way back from the vegetable depot we had Red Kite and Buzzard sharing a carcass. 10 years ago kites were still passage birds in West Suffolk, perhaps 5 years ago (or was it 4?) we got our breeders and now I see them almost every look out. I still consider them special and enjoy each sighting... 

Dawn today saw me clocking some miles south of the town in the more rolling farmland, taking advantage of the hills and empty footpaths. There was plenty of chacking Fieldfare, busy Jays and Skylarks to keep me entertained between stream crossings and ankle deep mud. I love that stuff. At the closest Rookery to me, literally 100m away, the birds were already tending nests, adding sticks and generally getting a bit broody:

Mindful of yesterday's run and the finch flock, we returned today and were treated to a very conservative; 50+ Linnet, 30+ Yellowhammer and 30+ Tree Sparrow. Delighted! Especially with the Tree Spugs as they are increasing in numbers and getting ever closer to the house:

A check on local raptor hot-spots revealed two more Red Kite, several Buzzard a Kestrel and one of the local Peregrine. All positive ahead of next Saturday's even more local birding for Lockdown 2's Garden Bird Race.


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