St Agnes - Day 3

Having recored Birders Twitter Space in the Turk's Head last night - complete with shots of Jägermeister. It wasn't easy to leap out of bed - but we did... you can listen again to to the Space here;

Sun-up raw praise for Onion, Mother Nature and the Olde Ones

At least five Cory's Shearwaters - with plenty more large shears further out of I.D. range, 2 Sooty Shears and single of Manxie. 

Common Sandpiper - Covean

Beachfinch - Covean

Wryneck - which I stopped to see on my run c/o some legend letting me look through their scope.



This run was done by me - annoying I missed out the north end of Gugh. Will do it again properly next time.

Sun-down over Bishop Rock

We torch-lighted the ivy on the way back from the pub - because that's the kind of behaviour you can expect from us. This resulted in; Angle Shades, White Speck, Black Rustic, Square-spot Rustic, Turnip Moth and Beaded Chestnut. We also searched, unsuccessfully, for the (Laboratory) Stick Insects. Maybe they're extinct? 


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